Cosplaygrounds presents its sixth original production, delving into one of the most iconic franchises in film history with “Ghostbusters XXX: A Porn Parody.” Timed to coincide with the release of the fifth Ghostbusters movie, “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire,” this sensational two-part series from renowned director Harry Sparks promises to captivate in more ways than one.
In Part One, ghostbusting heroine Chanel Camryn visits Isiah Maxwell’s house to investigate some paranormal activity. The action soon shifts to the bedroom, and once Chanel becomes possessed, things heat up quickly and intensely.
Part Two sees Anna Claire Clouds and Avery Black arriving at Maxwell’s house to discover Chanel’s fate. Finding her possessed, the two inventive ghostbusters resort to a classic method to banish the demons: a steamy lesbian threesome. Get ready, because busting will make everyone feel good!
Ghostbusters XXX: A Porn Parody – Anna Claire Clouds, Avery Black, Chanel Camryn